Conversations in: year

Contributor(s): Geoffrey Miller
Contributor(s): W. Daniel Hillis, Francisco Varela, Richard Dawkins, Niles Eldredge, Marvin Minsky, Lee Smolin, George C. Williams, Daniel C. Dennett
Contributor(s): Nicholas G. Carr, Clay Shirky, Douglas Rushkoff, John Markoff, Evgeny Morozov
Mentioned:  Nicholas G. Carr, George Dyson, John Markoff, Evgeny Morozov, Clay Shirky
Mentioned:  W. Daniel Hillis
Mentioned:  Brian Eno, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Mark Pagel, Jennifer Jacquet, John Brockman
Mentioned:  Daniel Kahneman, Elaine Pagels, Michael Gazzaniga, Martin Nowak, Steven Pinker
Mentioned:  Daniel Kahneman, Elaine Pagels, Michael Gazzaniga, Martin Nowak, Leda Cosmides
Mentioned:  Daniel Kahneman, Elaine Pagels, Michael Gazzaniga, Leda Cosmides, Steven Pinker
Mentioned:  Elaine Pagels, Michael Gazzaniga, Martin Nowak, Leda Cosmides, Steven Pinker
Googleplex, Mountain View, California — August 12-14, 2011
Contributor(s): Timo Hannay, Jennifer Jacquet, Frank Wilczek
Contributor(s): Douglas Rushkoff
Mentioned:  Stewart Brand, George Dyson, Jaron Lanier, Eva Wisten, Jennifer Jacquet, Max Brockman, John Brockman, Benedict Carey, Greg Miller
Mentioned:  Paul Bloom
The New Generation of Molecular Tools
Mentioned:  Nathan Wolfe
Mentioned:  Daniel Kahneman, Michael Gazzaniga, Martin Nowak, Leda Cosmides, Steven Pinker
Mentioned:  Daniel Kahneman, Elaine Pagels, Martin Nowak, Leda Cosmides, Steven Pinker
Mentioned:  Stewart Brand, George Dyson, Kevin Kelly, Andrian Kreye, Hubert Burda
Contributor(s): Armand Marie Leroi, W. Daniel Hillis, Jennifer Jacquet
of Future Science
Essays From The Cutting Edge
Essays From the Cutting Edge
Contributor(s): Steven Pinker, Hugo Mercier, Timothy D. Wilson, Daniel Gilbert, Steven Pinker
Contributor(s): Richard Saul Wurman, Emanuel Derman, Jennifer Jacquet
Mentioned:  Dan Sperber
An Edge Special Event!
Contributor(s): Mary Catherine Bateson, Douglas T. Kenrick, Douglas Rushkoff, Roger Schank, Rodney A. Brooks, Ed Regis, Gregory Paul, Steven Pinker, James J. O'Donnell, J. Doyne Farmer
Contributor(s): Richard Dawkins, Stewart Brand, George Dyson, John Brockman
John Brockman, Net Avantgardist, Purveyor of Knowledge, Literary Agent and Founder of Edge Turns 70
Contributor(s): Daniel Kahneman, Daniel Gilbert, Steven J. Heine, Alison Gopnik, David Pizarro, Lee Jussim, Roy Baumeister, Jennifer Jacquet, John Jost, David Dunning, Mark R. Leary, Paul Bloom, Jonathan Haidt
Introduction by Andrian Kreye
Contributor(s): George Dyson, John Brockman, Kevin Kelly, John Brockman, Stewart Brand, John Brockman
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