Conversations in: year

Beyond the Scientific Revolution
The Third Culture
Contributor(s): George Lakoff, Jaron Lanier, Rafael Núñez, Margaret Wertheim, Howard Gardner, Joseph Traub, Steven Pinker, Charles Simonyi, Stanislas Dehaene, George Lakoff
Mentioned:  Stewart Brand
Contributor(s): Denise Caruso, Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold, Bob Stein, Linda Stone, Richard Saul Wurman
Contributor(s): Stewart Alsop, John Perry Barlow, Stewart Brand, John Doerr, Esther Dyson, W. Daniel Hillis, Jaron Lanier, John Markoff, Scott Mcnealy, Paul Saffo, Linda Stone
Contributor(s): Steven R. Quartz, Nicholas Humphrey, Patricia S. Churchland, Steven Pinker, Nicholas Humphrey, Richard Potts, Sandra Blakeslee, Steven Mithen
Contributor(s): Scott Mcnealy, John C. Dvorak
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