ALVARO FISCHER (1953) is a mathematical engineer, entrepreneur and businessman. Serves in the board of directors of the Resiter group (diversified environmental services), where he is a major shareholder.
He is a member of the New York Academy of Science and the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Former president of the Chilean Engineers Institute (2000 — 2001) and former rector of the Universidad Tecnológica de Chile Inacap (2004 — 2005).
He is currently President of the Ciencia y Evolución Foundation, organizer of the 2009 seminars on Darwin’s Legacy to the XXI Century and is a member of the editorial committee of the El Mercurio newspaper.
He the author of Evolution: The New Paradigm (Universitaria, 2001), and The Best Idea Ever Thought of (Ediciones B, 2009). and editor ofNew Paradigms at the Beginning of the XXI Century (El Mercurio — Aguilar, 2004).