People Contributing to

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Y | Z
austin_dacey's picture
Austin Dacey

Representative to the United Nations for the Center for Inquiry in New York City

david_dalrymple's picture
David Dalrymple

Research affiliate, MIT Media Lab

antonio_damasio's picture
Antonio Damasio

Professor of Psychology and Neurology, David Dornsife Chair in Neuroscience, USC Dornsife

kate_darling's picture
Kate Darling

Research Specialist, MIT Media Lab; Fellow, Harvard Berkman Center; Author, The New Breed

satyajit_das's picture
Satyajit Das

Former Financier; Author, Age of Stagnation

paul_davies's picture
Paul Davies

Theoretical physicist; cosmologist; astro-biologist; co-Director of BEYOND, Arizona State University; principle investigator, Center for the Convergence of Physical Sciences and Cancer Biology; Author, The Eerie Silence and The Cosmic Jackpot

richard_dawkins's picture
Richard Dawkins

Evolutionary Biologist; Emeritus Professor of the Public Understanding of Science, Oxford; Author, Books Do Furnish a Life

luca_de_biase's picture
Luca De Biase

Journalist; Editor, Nova 24, of Il Sole 24 Ore

aubrey_de_grey's picture
Aubrey de Grey

Gerontologist; Chief Science Officer, SENS Foundation; Author, Ending Aging

derrick_de_kerckhove's picture
Derrick De Kerckhove

Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture

arthur_de_vany's picture
Arthur De Vany

Professor Emeritus of Economics and Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California

thomas_de_zengotita's picture
Thomas de Zengotita


stanislas_dehaene's picture
Stanislas Dehaene

Neuroscientist; Collège de France, Paris; Author, How We Learn

andrew_delton's picture
Andrew Delton

Assistant Professor, Management, Stony Brook University College of Business

sarah_demers's picture
Sarah Demers

Horace D. Taft Associate Professor of Physics, Yale University

daniel_c_dennett's picture
Daniel C. Dennett

Philosopher; Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, Co-Director, Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University; Author, From Bacteria to Bach and Back

francesco_depretis's picture
Francesco DePretis

Journalist, La Stampa; Italy Correspondent, Science Magazine

chris_dercon's picture
Chris Dercon

Director, Tate Modern

emanuel_derman's picture
Emanuel Derman

Professor, Financial Engineering, Columbia University; Author, Models.Behaving.Badly

david_desteno's picture
David DeSteno

Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University; Author, How God Works

diana_deutsch's picture
Diana Deutsch

Professor of Psychology, University of California, San Diego; Author, Musical Illusions and Phantom Words

david_deutsch's picture
David Deutsch

Physicist, University of Oxford; Author, The Beginning of Infinity; Recipient, Edge Computation Science Prize

betsy_devine's picture
Betsy Devine

Journalist, Author and Blogger

keith_devlin's picture
Keith Devlin

Mathematician; Executive Director, H-STAR Institute, Stanford; Author, Finding Fibonacci

peter_diamandis's picture
Peter Diamandis

Chairman/CEO, X PRIZE Foundation; Co-author, The Future Is Faster Than You Think

jared_diamond's picture
Jared Diamond

Professor of Geography, University of California Los Angeles; Author, Upheaval

chris_dibona's picture
Chris DiBona

Open Source and Public Sector, Google

thomas_g_dietterich's picture
Thomas G Dietterich

Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Director of Intelligent Systems, Oregon State University

georg_diez's picture
Georg Diez

Writer, Journalist, Der Spiegel & Spiegel Online; Author of weekly and widely read column "Der Kritiker"; Former Cultural Editor at Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Sonntags Zeitung and Die Zeit.

niels_diffrient's picture
Niels Diffrient

Industrial designer

peter_h_ditto's picture
Peter H. Ditto

Social Psychologist; Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior in the School of Social Ecology at UC Irvine.

david_r_ditzel's picture
David R. Ditzel

President, CEO, ThruChip Communications

carl_djerassi's picture
Carl Djerassi

Organic Chemist and Inventor

rolf_dobelli's picture
Rolf Dobelli

Founder, Zurich Minds; Journalist; Author, The Art of Thinking Clearly

cory_doctorow's picture
Cory Doctorow

Science fiction novelist; Blogger; Technology activist; Co-editor, Boing Boing

john_doerr's picture
John Doerr

Engineer and marketing manager for micro-computers

paul_dolan's picture
Paul Dolan

Behavioral Scientist, LSE; Author, Happy Ever After

p_murali_doraiswamy's picture
P. Murali Doraiswamy

Professor of Psychiatry, Translational Neuroscience Division, Duke University Health System

jennifer_a_doudna's picture
Jennifer A. Doudna

Nobel laureate (2020 - Chemistry); Geneticist, University of California, Berkeley; Co-Inventor, CRISPR-Cas9; Co-author, A Crack in Creation

anca_dragan's picture
Anca Dragan

Associate Professor, EECS Department; Founder, InterACT Lab; Co-founder, Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab, UC Berkeley

scott_draves's picture
Scott Draves

Software Artist

k_eric_drexler's picture
K. Eric Drexler

Researcher; Policy Advocate; Author, Engines of Creation

marcus_du_sautoy's picture
Marcus du Sautoy

Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science, Professor of Mathematics, Oxford; Author, The Great Unknown

dan_dubno's picture
Dan Dubno

producer and technologist for CBS News in New York

esther_duflo's picture
Esther Duflo

Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation, MIT

elizabeth_dunn's picture
Elizabeth Dunn

Social Psychologist, University of British Columbia; Co-author, Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending

david_dunning's picture
David Dunning

Professor of Psychology, Cornell University; Author, Self-Insight

denis_dutton's picture
Denis Dutton

Philosopher; Founder and Editor, Arts & Letters Daily; Author, The Art Instinct

john_c_dvorak's picture
John C. Dvorak

Columnist; Broadcaster in areas of technology and computing

jesse_dylan's picture
Jesse Dylan

Filmmaker; Founder, Wondros

esther_dyson's picture
Esther Dyson

Investor; Chairman, EDventure Holdings; Executive Founder, Wellville; Author: Release 2.0

george_dyson's picture
George Dyson

Science Historian; Author, Analogia

freeman_dyson's picture
Freeman Dyson

Physicist, Institute of Advanced Study; Author, Disturbing the Universe; Maker of Patterns