PHILIP BROCKMAN, a physicist (1937-2017), retired after a 43-year career at NASA LaRC (Langley Field, Virginia). In 1997, he received NASA's Exceptional Service Medal (ESM) "for outstanding contributions and exceptional service in the development of NASA's laser remote sensing technology and capability."
His research included: Shock tubes; Plasma propulsion; Diode laser spectroscopy; Heterodyne remote sensing; Laser research; Laser injection seeding; Remote sensing of atmospheric species, winds, windshear and vortices. He supported all solid state laser development for aircraft and spaceborne remote sensing of species and winds and developing coherent lidars to measure wake vortices in airport terminal areas.
Research physicist Philip Brockman pushes the button to start NASA's
MPD-arc plasma accelerator in December 1964: Read Edge's Tribute to Philip Brockman Here