I was
on a panel at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in London on
the topic of "Can Science Books be Literature" when the
name Brockman rose up from row three with suggestions of the Third
Culture. The audience wanted to know if the novel really was dead.
(Did you really say that?) The novelist on the panel, Ian Mc Ewan,
was gracious as always but then he has reason to be confident about
the life of the novel. Mostly he held up his sympathies for science
while in a little role reversal I defended the novel. Also had a great
trip to the Hay-on-Wye festival. Drank way too much champagne and
saw Bob Geldof play in a neighboring tent to an all too conscientious
big news, for me at least, I eloped with the English old-timey country
singer. About half way through my first book tour, we stopped in Chicago
and between a colloquium in the Physics Department at the University
of Chicago and a somewhat odd lecture in the Adler Planetarium we
ran down to city hall, got a licencethe clerk in the wedding
office shaking our hands with great enthusiasm (is he always that
happy about nuptials we wondered)and got hitched in a kind of
surprise wedding party thrown by my mom and her twin sister. On the
morning of the wedding I was still trying to choose something to wear.
Typical. It was great fun. Here's my favorite wedding picture from
my six year old nephew Ari. There's Warren and I in the middle with
my uncles holding the hoopa. We've had no honeymoon yet as the book
tour marched on to DC, New York, then back to London.
As for
summer in London, the other day someone remarked to me that the weather
really wasn't too bad for winter.