
DAN MOERMAN is William E Stirton Professor of Anthropology
University of Michigan-Dearborn. His first work related to health emerged
during his dissertation research with a rural black population in coastal
South Carolina in the early 1970s. St. Helena Islanders told him
of their complex theory of health involving a subtle system of pressures
and flavors of the blood which, if things went badly, could cause various
illnesses which they treated with a series of plants (called "weeds")
gathered from fields or planted in their gardens. Since then,
he has done research primarily in two areas -- medicinal plants (primarily
of Native American peoples who originated the uses of most of the plants
used by the Islanders), and of the impact on health of the knowledge
and understanding of it that people have. He is a participant
of "Placebo Group" organized by Anne Harrington through the
Harvard University Mind /Brain /Behavior Center.
Dr. Moreman
is the author of Native American Ethnobotany, which received
the "Annual Literature Award" of the Council on Botanical
and Horticultural Libraries for 2000.