Andrei Linde
Theoretical Physicist, Stanford; Father of Eternal Chaotic Inflation; Inaugural Recipient, Fundamental Physics Prize
Where were the laws of physics written before the universe was born?
Tonia Lombrozo
Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley
How will advances in mental prosthetics that connect us with other human and machine minds change the way we think about expertise?
Antony Garrett Lisi
Theoretical physicist
What is the fundamental geometric structure underlying reality?
Mario Livio
Astrophysicist; Author, Why?: What Makes Us Curious
Will it ever be possible to download the information stored in the human brain?
Seth Lloyd
Professor of Quantum Mechanical Engineering, MIT; Author, Programming the Universe
How did our complex universe arise out of simple physical laws?
Jonathan B. Losos
Monique and Philip Lehner Professor for the Study of Latin America, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University; Curator in Herpetology, Museum of Comparative Zoology; Author, Improbable Destinies
How will evolution shape the biological world one hundred years from now, or one hundred thousand?
Greg Lynn
Owner, Greg Lynn FORM office; Ordentlicher University Professor of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna; Studio Professor, UCLA School of Arts and Architecture
Can we train machines to design and construct a humane and vibrant built environment for us?
Ziyad Marar
President of Global Publishing, SAGE; Author, Judged: The Value of Being Misunderstood
How will people focus more on forming the right question, before rushing headlong towards the answer?
Gary Marcus
Professor of Psychology, Director NYU Center for Language and Music; Author, Guitar Zero
Why are humans still so much more flexible in their thinking and everyday reasoning than machines?
John Markoff
Pulitzer Prize-winning Reporter, The New York Times; Author, Machines of Loving Grace
How will the world be changed when battery storage technology improves at the same exponential rate seen in computer chips in recent decades?
Chiara Marletto
Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College and Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Materials Department, University of Oxford; Currently working with David Deutsch
Is the number of interesting questions finite or not?
Abigail Marsh
Associate Professor of Psychology, Georgetown University
When in the evolution of animal life did the capacity to experience love for another being first emerge?
Barnaby Marsh
Evolutionary dynamics scholar; Program in Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University; Visitor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
How much of what we call "reality" is ultimately grounded and instantiated in convincing communication and storytelling?
John C. Mather
Nobel Prize in Physics Laureate; Senior Astrophysicist, Observational Cosmology Laboratory, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
What is the master principle governing the growth and evolution of complex systems?
Tim Maudlin
Professor of Philosophy, NYU
Why are people so seldom persuaded by clear evidence and rational argument?
Annalena McAfee
Journalist; Founding Editor of The Guardian's literary supplement, the Guardian Review; Author, Hame
Is love really all you need?
Michael McCullough
Professor of Psychology, Director, Evolution and Human Behavior Laboratory, University of Miami; Author, Beyond Revenge.
Are humans ever really capable of regarding others as ends in themselves?
Ian McEwan
Novelist; Author, Sweet Tooth; Solar; On Chesil Beach; Nutshell
If the sum of all significant knowledge is finite, what proportion of it can humans, aided by intelligent machines, eventually attain?
Ryan McKay
Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of London
Will we be one of the last generations in human history that dies?
Hugo Mercier
Cognitive Scientist, French National Center for Scientific Research; Co-author (with Dan Sperber) of The Enigma of Reason
Can major historical events, from the advent of moral religions to the industrial revolution, be explained by changes in life history strategies?
Thomas Metzinger
Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; Adjunct Fellow, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Study; Author, The Ego Tunnel
What is the most intelligent and efficient way to minimize the overall amount of conscious suffering in the universe?