Brian G. Keating
Atrophysicist, University of California San Diego’s Department of Physics; Author, Losing the Nobel Prize
Is there any observational evidence that could shake your faith, or lack thereof?
Paul Kedrosky
Editor, Infectious Greed; General Partner, SK Ventures
Why don't naked mole rats age or get cancer?
Kevin Kelly
Senior Maverick, Wired; Author, What Technology Wants and The Inevitable
How can the process of science be improved?
Marcel Kinsbourne
Neurologist and Cognitive Neuroscientist, The New School; Co-author, Children's Learning and Attention Problems
Are dreams brief glimpses of the narrative of a subconscious alternative reality?
Gary Klein
Senior Scientist, MacroCognition LLC; Author, Seeing What Others Don't: The Remarkable Ways We Gain Insights
How can we build machines that make us smarter?
Jon Kleinberg
Tisch University Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University
Can we create technologies that help equitably reduce the amount of conflict in the world?
Brian Knutson
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Stanford University
How can we achieve closed-loop neural control of human hedonics?
Bart Kosko
Information Scientist and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Law, University of Southern California; Author, Noise, Fuzzy Thinking
What is the bumpiest and highest-dimensional cost surface that our best computers will be able to search and still find the deepest cost well?
Stephen M. Kosslyn
Founding Dean, Minerva Schools at the Keck Graduate Institute
Can brain implants make us better human beings?
John W. Krakauer
Neurologist and Neuroscientist, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Is our continued coexistence with the other big mammals essential to furthering our understanding of human cognition?
Kai Krause
Software Pioneer; Philosopher; Author, A Realtime Literature Explorer
What will happen to religion on earth when the first alien life form is found?
Lawrence M. Krauss
Theoretical Physicist; Foundation Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration and Physics Department, ASU; Author, The Greatest Story Ever Told . . . So Far
Is the universe like an onion that will require science to keep peeling back new layers of reality and asking questions forever?
Andrian Kreye
Editor, The Feuilleton (Arts and Essays), of the German Daily Newspaper, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Munich
Do we need checks and balances for virtual worlds?
Coco Krumme
Applied Mathematician, UC Berkeley; Founder, Leeward Co.
Why do we care so much about how well we're approximated by algorithms?
Robert Kurzban
Psychologist, UPenn; Director, Penn Laboratory for Experimental Evolutionary Psychology (PLEEP); Author, Why Everyone (Else) is a Hypocrite
How will predictive models in the social sciences achieve the accuracy and precision of those in the natural sciences?
Joseph LeDoux
Professor of Neural Science, Psychology, Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NYU; Director Emotional Brain Institute; Author, Anxious
Has consciousness done more good or bad for humanity?
Cristine H. Legare
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin; Director, Cognition, Culture, and Development Lab
Will human psychology keep pace with the exponential growth of technological innovation associated with cultural evolution?
Martin Lercher
Professor of Computational Cell Biology at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf; Co-author (with Itai Yanai), The Society of Genes
What proportion of "ethnic" and "religious" tensions are rooted in our genes?
Margaret Levi
Sara Miller McCune Director, Center For Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, professor, Stanford University; Jere L. Bacharach Professor Emerita of International Studies, University of Washington
Are humans capable of building a moral economy?
Janna Levin
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Barnard College of Columbia University; Author, Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space
Is gravity a fundamental law of nature, or does gravity—and thereby spacetime—emerge as a consequence of the underlying quantum nature of reality?