César Hidalgo
Associate Professor, MIT Media Lab; Author, Why Information Grows
When will we replace governments with algorithms?
Roger Highfield
Director, External Affairs, Science Museum Group; Co-author (with Martin Nowak), SuperCooperators
Will a baby grown from an embryo constructed from human stem cells eventually become a person?
W. Daniel Hillis
Physicist, Computer Scientist, Co-Founder, Applied Invention.; Author, The Pattern on the Stone
What is the principle that causes complex adaptive systems (life, organisms, minds, societies) to spontaneously emerge from the interaction of simpler elements (chemicals, cells, neurons, individual humans)?
Michael Hochberg
Evolutionist, CNRS, Santa Fe Institute, Institute for Advanced Study Toulouse
Will humanity eventually exhaust the unknown?
Donald D. Hoffman
Cognitive Scientist, UC, Irvine; Author, Visual Intelligence
Why is it that the maximum information we can pack into a region of space does not depend on the volume of the region, but only on the area that bounds it?
Bruce Hood
Chair of Developmental Psychology in Society, University of Bristol; Author, The Self-Illusion, Founder of Speakezee
What would the mind of a child raised in total isolation of other animals be like?
Daniel Hook
CEO, Digital Science
Does every mathematical symmetry have a manifestation in the physical world?
John Horgan
Director, Center for Science Writings, Stevens Institute of Technology
What will it take to end war once and for all?
Sabine Hossenfelder
Research Fellow, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
How can we separate the assessment of scientific evidence from value judgments?
Nicholas Humphrey
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, London School of Economics; Visiting Professor of Philosophy, New College of the Humanities; Senior Member, Darwin College, Cambridge; Author, Soul Dust
Why is the world so beautiful?
Marco Iacoboni
Neuroscientist; Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA; Author, Mirroring People
How does a thought become a feeling?
Isabel Behncke Izquierdo
Primatologist; Associate Professor, Social Complexity Research Centre (CICS) Gobierno UDD, Santiago de Chile; Visiting Researcher, Social and Evolutionary Neuroscience Research Group (SENRG) University of Oxford
What is the biological price of being a species with a sense of humor?
Nina Jablonski
Biological Anthropologist and Paleobiologist; Evan Pugh University Professor of Anthropology at Pennsylvania State University
When will race disappear?
Matthew O. Jackson
Professor of Economics, Stanford University, Santa Fe Institute, CIFAR
Will humanity end up with one culture?
Jennifer Jacquet
Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, NYU; Author, Is Shame Necessary?
What systems could be put in place to prevent widespread denial of science-based knowledge?
Dale W Jamieson
Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, NYU
Will the "hard problem" of consciousness dissolve (rather than be solved) as we learn more about the natural world?
Koo Jeong-A
i = we ?
Lorraine Justice
Dean Emerita, Professor of Industrial Design, Rochester Institute of Technology
What might the last fully biological human's statement be at their last supper?
Gordon Kane
Theoretical Particle Physicist and Cosmologist; Victor Weisskopf Distinguished University Professor, University of Michigan; Author, Supersymmetry and Beyond
Are the laws of physics unique and inevitable?
Stuart A. Kauffman
Professor of Biological Sciences, Physics, Astronomy, University of Calgary; Author, Reinventing the Sacred
What is consciousness?