The Edge Question 2018 - 10 [1]

Josef Penninger [17]
Director, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna; Genetics Professor, University of Vienna
Can we engineer a human being?
Irene Pepperberg [18]
Research Associate & Lecturer, Harvard; Adjunct Associate Professor, Brandeis; Author, Alex & Me
What is the most important thing that can be done to restore the general public’s faith and trust in science?
Clifford Pickover [19]
Author, The Math Book, The Physics Book, and The Medical Book trilogy
Will humans ever prove the Riemann Hypothesis in mathematics?
Steven Pinker [20]
Johnstone Family Professor, Department of Psychology; Harvard University; Author, Enlightenment Now
How can we empower the better angels of our nature?
David Pizarro [21]
Associate Professor of Psychology, Cornell University
Are we smart enough to know when we’ve reached the limits of our ability to understand the universe?
Robert Plomin [22]
Professor of Behavioral Genetics, King's College London
How far will we go in predicting human behavior from DNA?
Jordan Pollack [23]
Professor and Chairman of Computer Science, Brandeis University
Will blockchain return us to the golden age of ownership of information licenses that can be resold like books and records?
Alex Poots [24]
Artistic Director and CEO, The Shed
Will artistic invention enlighten the age of AI?
Carolyn Porco [25]
Planetary Scientist; Cassini Imaging Team Leader; Director, CICLOPS, Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado
What will it take for us to be fully confident that we have found life elsewhere in the cosmos?
William Poundstone [26]
Journalist; Author, Head in the Cloud; Nominated twice for the Pulitzer Prize
Does the infinite multiverse of cosmologists, in which all that is physically possible occurs, contain realizations of our unruly paradoxes of infinity (Hilbert’s Hotel, Thomson Lamp, 1+2+3+4… = -1/12; etc.)?
William H. Press [27]
Warren J. and Viola M. Raymer Chair in Computer Sciences and Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin
What quirk of evolution caused us to develop the ability to do pure mathematics?
Robert Provine [28]
Research Professor/Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Author, Curious Behavior: Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and Beyond
Can a single underlying process explain the emergence of structure at the physical, biological, cognitive, and machine levels?
Matthew Putman [29]
Applied Physicist; Chairman of the Board, Pioneer Works; CEO, Nanotronics
Will questioning be replaced by answering without questions?
David C. Queller [30]
Evolutionary Biologist, Washington University in St. Louis
Must we suffer and die?
Sheizaf Rafaeli [31]
Professor, Director, The Center for Internet Research, University of Haifa, Israel
Will weaving networks that blend humans and machines yield network effects?
Vilayanur Ramachandran [32] [31]Neuroscientist; Professor & Director, Center for Brain and Cognition, UC, San Diego; Author, The Tell-Tale Brain
Why should we prize the original object over a perfect replica?
Lisa Randall [33]
Physicist, Harvard University; Author, Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs
How far can we extend beyond our human limitations to more fully grasp the nature of the world?
S. Abbas Raza [34]
Founding Editor,
Why is sleep so necessary?
Syed Tasnim Raza [35]
Medical Director, Cardiac Surgery Step-Down Unit at Columbia University Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital
Will it be possible to do surgical operations in the future without making incisions?
Martin Rees [36]
Former President, The Royal Society; Emeritus Professor of Cosmology & Astrophysics, University of Cambridge; Fellow, Trinity College; Author, From Here to Infinity
Will post-humans be organic or electronic?
Ed Regis [37]
Science writer; Author, Monsters
Why are reason, science, and evidence so impotent against superstition, religion, and dogma?
Diana Reiss [38]
Professor, Department of Psychology Hunter College; Author, The Dolphin in the Mirror
How smart does another animal have to be for us to decide not to eat it?