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The way he says this, it sounds like: "Reduced to its skin and bones." The new reality just over the horizon will have as much in common with Windows as a monitor does with a windowpane. What then? "To grasp the scale of this revolution, think of the everyday things," recommends Hillis. Unlike Myhrvold, he is not yet a billionaire and is founding a new company: "Think of visits to administrative offices, schools, universities, libraries or doctors. In a few decades, all these things will no longer be as we now know them."

Over the next few months, to ensure we are informed slightly in advance, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung will be running a series of articles by the theoreticians of what John Brockman has dubbed the "third culture." Europe should be more than just a source for the software of ego crisis, loss of identity, despair, and Western melancholy. We should be helping write the code for tomorrow.

May 23 ©
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2000 All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.

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